Thursday, August 5, 2010

Week 2: Session 2 Response

Well, I can certainly say that these first two weeks of this class have been an eye-opener for me. I have never thought about people wanting to know more about my business (i.e. every one's little tidbit. status messages via Facebook, alas I am just as addicted to posting them as everyone is!) but yet, I do not write a 2,000-word long message about my hellish life nor the same old drama I deal with. I have also learned that there is a lot more to Google (in the sense that there are many, useful tools to get addicted to as well as use to expand and enhance our technology capabilities) then just to search for a research topic or to find tonight's new dinner dish. Yet also, the readings about what study skills (for college students and everyone in general), that we believe we have mastered as well as need to improve on have been goals that I have been trying to work on but of course are still a work in progress. Of course, these skills are not going to be succeeded overnight, they take time and practicing before a new skill is mastered.

1 comment:

  1. Jamie,
    I really enjoyed your blog and like you I found so many things insteresting this assignment. I never blogged or create one this is sweet to me.
