Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Week 3: Session 1 Response

Hmm…what have I learned in the last 2 ½ weeks? I have definitively learned that I am a major slacker and that my lacks of good sleeping habits have been making for not so great performance in my school work. With mapping out my week as to how I spent it, I slack off WAY TOO MUCH!! Yes, I do admit, there are times when my book should be in my Anthropology book studying about (yawn) the evolution of humans and whatnot, but I also believe that’s what makes me so sleepy! Plus, I cannot always use the excuse “the kids kept me up all night” or “there distracting me from doing my homework” even though they truly are. I know that time management skills have always been my weak point since high school, with adding a full-time job on top of an already over-stacked full-time motherly duties and full-course load student role, but I have tended to procrastinate and not get to my homework until the wee hours of the morning – like 1-2 am. I am going to continue to try to work more homework time into my hellish schedule and less “wasted time” spending watching silly YouTube videos and reading random Face book posts. Yes, it is a weakness but I must learn to fight those urges. Still something that is a challenge for me is to get that quiet area that I need to concentrate on my studies in order to do well on my homework and study for tests since there is no where safe for me to converge for my studies. I am trying to “train” my kids to leave mom (me) alone when I’m trying to work on homework but with pre-school age kids, it’s a major work-in-progress. They are getting better as in only “bugging” me when it’s to do minor things, but it’s when I’m in the middle of a important essay or quiz that it’s aggravates me, but hey, that’s kids for you.

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