Saturday, August 21, 2010

Week 4: Session 2 Response

I think the YouTube educational assignment was both a challenging but fun and interesting experience. At first, I had trouble trying to think of a subject matter than I enjoyed and could write about. I had first thought about writing advice from one of my favorite authors, Stephen King. The search to find videos with him was simple, but the content matter was the problem. It really didn’t hold any academic value for me, and therefore had made it difficult for me to write the assignment on. So I changed my subject matter into something that sparked my interest: Creative Non-Fiction. I have already written two pieces (one from class (268) and other on my own time and critiqued in 468) and hope to accomplish more in the future. Also, as I had mentioned in the YouTube video assignment, I own the Philip Lopate novel and take his writing advice and use it to my advantage.

This week also I learned a lot about my different learning styles and how I am able to incorporate those specialized skills to help me tap in to my strengths and weaknesses when it comes to lectures, note taking and studying material. I was amazed by the descriptions of the learning styles and how many of the things mentioned were just like my types of school habits – both good and bad. Still though, I am going to take these and the other study skills and methods I have learned from this class for granted and use them to my full advantage to become not only a better student, but a better learned overall.

1 comment:

  1. That's pretty cool. I actually did mine on note taking. I like how you stepped out the box, on your post.
