Monday, August 16, 2010

Week 4: Session 1 Response

I have learned that there’s a lot more to Wikipedia than just a “quick fix” answer webpage. By becoming introduced to the multiple sub-categories that Wikipedia has to offer as well. I had never realized that the “Wiki” company was a user-based webpage and that most of the information is based from “fans” and “experts” of the trade. What had really shocked me that some of the pages that the “wikis” have were that some of that pages that I thought would be beneficial for research purposes and so forth aren’t reliable at all! I hate to break it to last-minute study students who believe that sites like “wikiveristy” will be any scholarly help because it won’t! I was really disappointed with that link, I was under the impression that this would be a semi-scholarly research tool but alas, it was a dud. I did like the wikiquote sub-site though. It was really cool how it contained many quotes from multiple Medias – books, history, music, movies and much more. I could see myself using this site for random and scholarly ideas in the near future. I now understand why many of my professors frown upon using Wikipedia as a website resource – because the information available on the site in question may not be 100% reliable! Despite it is a slow and steady process, the portfolio is coming along rather nicely. Alas, (yes, I like quoting Shakespeare), the Refworks website never did work for me (cursed technology!) but I have completed the assignment to the best of my ability. I am really excited to wonder what the completion of my portfolio and this class shall be like.

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