Saturday, August 14, 2010

Week 3: Session 2 Response -- Frustration

This week has been a quite interesting but frustrating one in the same sense. I learned what useful tools are out there via Google (such as Google Scholar) and how some of the online tools via the University library (i.e. important reference tools like Refworks, which has become my frustration), can help aid in the long and exhausting process of research. As I mentioned, Refworks has been the death of me this week. I watched all the tutorials like we were supposed to and even did the practices! I followed all the directions and still no success. I tried everything to export my articles over to Refworks and I keep getting error messages and an empty Refworks folder. My folder remains empty no matter what methods that Lauren has told me, STILL NOTHING!! This has been the most difficult assignment in the course, and I am not sure whether or not Refworks will ever work for me. Working on the website is easier, now that I realize that I was doing it all wrong (and making it harder for me!) but it’s crazy to realize that this course is almost over – in less than 2 weeks! Despite it’s been only 3 weeks in this course, I have learned many new things that I can take and use for future courses and hopefully after college as well into my major, possibly when I find a job in my field! Because right now, I don’t see myself using many of these strategies in my current job of working in my hectic, fast-paced restaurant manager position on campus!! (Any clues to where that could be ?! – Let’s just say it’s a large facility and it has Buckeye pride!)

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